Category: Supportive learners

Love to Learn
Behaviour management Ownership Supportive learners

From “Behaviour Management” to “Behaviour Empowerment”

I’m feeling brave today (or foolish?). Thoughts of what a Learning Powered Approach to behaviour looks like have been swirling around my head. I’m using this blog as a way…

Guest blog Setting the scene Supportive learners

Meaning Business Without Being Mean.

Written by Hywel Roberts (@Hywel_Roberts) This is the first of a series of blog posts exploring each Design Principle in mine and Guy Claxton’s new book “Powering up Children“. This…

Oracy Speaking Learnish Supportive learners

School 21: A moral purpose and a movement

Moving, brilliant, transformative: Those are three words that come to the top of my head when I think about the Great Oracy Exhibition at School 21