From Classroom to Staffroom: Part 1
Have you considered how you transport learning from one context to another? It’s something we do implicitly, yet, the more explicit we make this process, the easier it is to…
Their morning challenge is written on the board with the following questions: “What were you learning? Which bits were tricky? What do you think you need to learn next?”
Have you considered how you transport learning from one context to another? It’s something we do implicitly, yet, the more explicit we make this process, the easier it is to…
Mara Krechevsky, Pedagogy of Play, Project Zero (or maybe John Dewey!) Oh, the joys! We have just had a run of incredible “live” events in PressPlay and Learning Pioneers, including…
Today is a happy day as the wonderful educators Ed Finch, Daryn Simon and Graham Andre are putting on #BrewEdIsolation – A chance for amazing educators to connect from across…
It’s my birthday tomorrow – Yay! Level 39 (AKA the bonus level!). It’s also coming up to the end of the academic year here in Bangkok. I thought it would…
The mindset of a Learning Powered Teacher. Introduction to Assessment as Learning. As leaders of learning, Learning Powered teachers think critically, reflecting on what they are doing and asking themselves:…
Starting in a new school and new classroom brings new opportunities and ways of thinking.
During a recent meeting with Guy Claxton, he mentioned that teachers sometimes find it tricky to thread learning power into teaching modern foreign languages.