What’s trust got to do with it?
Stepping into Trevor MacKenzie’s classroom … I’m just wrapping up a 10-week trip to Canada, sipping on my final Canadian IPA, reflecting on what an epic trip this has been….
Stepping into Trevor MacKenzie’s classroom … I’m just wrapping up a 10-week trip to Canada, sipping on my final Canadian IPA, reflecting on what an epic trip this has been….
Mara Krechevsky, Pedagogy of Play, Project Zero (or maybe John Dewey!) Oh, the joys! We have just had a run of incredible “live” events in PressPlay and Learning Pioneers, including…
Which learning disposition do you think is the most important to cultivate in learners? As a Learning Power practitioner, this feels like a pretty key question to ask. Ideally, through a…
Start with “why” Simon Sinek’s TedTalk, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” explores how we buy into an idea, a company, a movement because of the purpose (or the “why”) behind…
Guest blogpost, written by Anton de Vries, Learning Power trainer in the Netherlands. Food for thought for those of us returning to school over the next few weeks or months…
Today is a happy day as the wonderful educators Ed Finch, Daryn Simon and Graham Andre are putting on #BrewEdIsolation – A chance for amazing educators to connect from across…
This guest blog post is written by Michelle Forrest of St John Fisher primary school, who recently engaged her staff in their Learning Powered journey. It is being published as…
My brain has been working overtime on “wonderings” lately – largely inspired by the sparky minds of the #learningpowerpioneers community – a community of forward-thinking, “can do”, caring practitioners committed…
After the explosive reaction to #learningpowerpioneers via emails, Twitter and conversations, I’m checking in with the team with a video about leadership. Who are the leaders of this community? Who…