Tag: learning powered classroom

Levels of Challenge

The Impossible Lesson

It’s an ‘impossible lesson’ in De Voorde school, a Building Learning Power school in Drachten, The Netherlands.  The children are meeting from various classes for their once a week lesson…

Think outside the box
Collaborative Learning Design Teachers as Learners

Collaboration and deeper thinking

It’s been too long since I have written a blogpost! I’ve been swept up in the inspiring world of #learningpowerpioneers, bouncing incredible Learning Powered ideas between world-leading learning powered minds….

learning power pioneers

Learning Power Pioneers

Hey folks! I’m excited and nervous about this in equal measure – but, hey, if it doesn’t scare you, you’re not growing! Drum roll please … Learning Power Kids’ first…

Behaviour management Setting the scene

The Learning Power Approach – delving deeper.

The Learning Power Approach – Nuclear family. In “ The Learning Power Approach” Guy Claxton outlines the thinking and research behind Learning Power, highlighting how the approach links with and…

Design Learning Environment

Spring Clean your Pedagogy

Challenges of a Learning Power classroom – Part One Co-creating a Learning Power classroom – with your learners and all adults involved in deepening their learning experience – is a…